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ASP Name USAC Sex Age Team
2 TJ Anderson 335446 M 39 BMC Walmart
3 Dalton Marshall oneday M 42 Crank Nasty
4 John Thrash 308425 M 49 CARVE
5 Ben Yates 392415 M 29 De Pijp
6 Anthony Moats 378359 M 32 Carrs Chain Reaction
7 Boomer Leopold 20940 M 42 Los Locos
8 Quinton Robbins oneday M 36 Crank Nasty
9 Frank Thibeault 223086 M 48 The Community Bicyclist
10 Jason Barr 416884 M 38 The Community Bicyclist
11 Victoria Perry oneday F 29 Crank Nasty
12 Craig Clements oneday M 33 Crank Nasty
13 William Watts 366314 M 26 The Community Bicyclist
14 Kyle Killough 382349 M 54 Gearhead
15 Andy Hall 355610 M 27 The Community Bicyclist
16 Trevor Thompson 366812 M 28 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
17 Vince Booth 366505 M 47 The Community Bicyclist
18 Chad Cragle 320204 M 27 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
19 Cameron Nolen oneday M 19 Gearhead
20 Caleb Pierce 338178 M 26 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
21 Kacey Carter oneday M 28 Gearhead
22 Curt Arthur 250841 M 44 Cirque de Velo
23 Mike Suminski 171710 M 45 BMC Walmart
24 Aaron Braswell 264776 M 37
25 Kirk Grynwald 309572 M 44 Don Walker Cycles
26 Heather Ladd 269877 F 39 The Community Bicyclist
27 Trevor Hawkins oneday M 22 Crank Nasty
28 Andrew Moffitt 343418 M 28 CARVE
29 John Terrell oneday M 27 Crank Nasty
30 Trevor Edwards 280137 M 30 CARVE
31 Shayne Smith 134594 M 45 Los Locos
32 Kevin Conerly 290891 M 27 Gearhead
33 Ross Livingston 353678 M 24 Bike Crossing
34 Mason Nolen oneday M 15 Gearhead
35 James Gillum 218197 M 45 Simplex Q
36 Alex Free 379438 M 22 Bike Crossing
37 Stephen Erickson 255356 M 44 The Community Bicyclist
38 Larry Yancey 133160 M 62 BMC Walmart
39 John Whetsell oneday M 36
40 A.B. Naylor oneday M 44
41 Ben Glenn 214427 M 32 De Pijp
42 Jake Schneidewind 340382 M 18 Fayetteville Wheelmen
43 Derek House oneday M 31 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
44 Will Shelton 416844 M 30 The Community Bicyclist
45 John King 303793 M 49 Marx & Bendsdorf
46 Charlie Roberts 289509 M 36 Simplex Q
47 Erik Martin 245163 M 34 Dogfish Racing
48 Jim McDonald 23392 M 62 OKC Velo
49 NOah Hansen 301402 M 28 The Community Bicyclist
50 Trawick Halliburton 400273 M 23 De Pijp
51 Nick Little oneday M 35
52 Andy Barton 242638 M 32 CARVE
53 Scott Belt 139468 M 40
54 Mark Van Slooten oneday M 40
55 Jim Barton 290743 M 57 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
56 Curtis Luckett 250136 M 29 Snapple
57 Chris Koenig 377748 M 36 CARVE
58 Jeff Dierdorf oneday M 31
59 Mike Levitsky 412507 M 34 De Pijp
60 Cole Tininenko 345806 M 22 Simplex Q
61 Clint Thomas 354498 M 38 De Pijp
62 Michael Mattox 281104 M 41 CARVE
63 Bart Boma 113241 M 34 US Mill Cycling
64 Addie Teo 238202 F 43 OCC
65 Dan Lysk 21956 M 41 OCC
66 Steven Long oneday M 38 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
67 Ernesto Lechuga 53972 M 37 Leborne
68 Barret Richardson 396556 M 23 Simplex Q
69 Keith Williams 361956 M 52 The Community Bicyclist
70 Gerald Drummond 300927 M 20 De Pijp
71 Adam Taylor oneday M 33 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
72 Vince Ferguson 198849 M 37 Simplex Q
73 Keegen Knapp 416336 M 29 Simplex Q
74 Quin Thompson M 42 De Pijp
75 Keshari Thakali 299510 F 32 CARVE
76 Scott Walnofer 203030 M 31 Snapple
77 Ryan Johnson 18034 M 41
78 Cliff Li 361460 M 42 Spokes
79 Robert Mooney 266755 M 39 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
80 Richard Machycek 220118 M 47 Arkansas Cycling & Fitness
81 Nathan Watts oneday M 26 CyclocrossWorld Cannondale
82 Ethan Gracey 390547 M 37
83 Peter Nierengarten pending M 37 Team Arkadelphia
84 Cory Johnson oneday M 41
85 Jason McGhee oneday M 43 The Community Bicyclist
86 Dub Sorrells 256348 M 17 Victory Bicycle Studio
87 Fred Augur oneday M 48 The Community Bicyclist
88 Emily Brown 301117 F 24 US Military
89 Alex Bumpers 321414 M 17 WRA
90 Perry Wilson 379216 M 38
91 Mark McGraw 316322 M 50
92 Dylan Morton oneday M 23
93 Heath Deal 179966 M 43 Walmart
94 Steve Auchterland 260270 M 56 Snapple
95 Clay Crymes oneday M 46 De Pijp
96 Michael Kirk 306600 M 35 Snapple
97 Nicky Potter 405262 M 33 Phat Tire
98 John Balsters oneday M 26 Phat Tire
99 Nathan Bowers 242059 M 31 Snapple
100 Andrew Wingerter 142424 M 36 Comrefuture Industries
101 Quin Thompson oneday M De Pijp
102 Jason Vickery 249686 M 38 Snapple
103 Mike Levitsky 412507 M 34 De Pijp
104 Peter Nierengarten pending M 37 Team Arkadelphia
105 Jay Easterling oneday M 37
106 Jason McGhee oneday M 43 The Community Bicyclist
107 Richard Holt 377002 M 24 Dickson St
108 Ricky Utley oneday M 46 De Pijp
109 G.W. Sorrells 272273 M 48 Sorrells Family Dentistry
110 Dub Sorrells 265342 M 17 Victory Bicycle Studio
111 Will Drummond 367341 M 7 De Pijp
112 Annie Drummond 367342 F 11 De Pijp
113 Matt Crouch oneday M 36
114 Jared Sorrells 182384 M 33
115 Scott Lloyd oneday M 46 De Pijp
116 Jake Beers 259455 M 29 Snapple
117 Ben Upchurch 36231 M 41 Snapple
118 Clay Crymes oneday M 46 De Pijp
119 Matt Crouch oneday M 36
120 Eric Brewer oneday M 40
121 Jesse Reid oneday M 38
122 Richard Hall 377002 M 24 Dickson St
123 Dylan Postier 358709 M 22 Team Undiscovered
124 Eric Smith oneday M 23
125 Mark Griesse 238104 M 29 Three Happy Cars
126 Scott Barnes 198584 M 38 BMC Walmart
127 Robin Grunnagle 238601 M 37 Snapple
128 Jason Bramlett 351620 M 37 Snapple
129 Sammy Davidson 176264 M 43 Soundpony
130 Jim McDonald 23392 M 62 OKC Velo
131 Lonnie Kincade 19209 M 47 Spokes
132 Tammy Hottinger 145314 F 44 Spokes
133 TJ Fowler oneday M 32
134 Matt Crouch oneday M 36
135 Larry Matthew oneday M 60
136 John Edwards oneday M 31 Carrs Chain Reaction
137 Brent Meins oneday M 33 CARVE
138 Roger Pennington 392275 M 41 The Community Bicyclist
139 Derek Berry 394027 M 24 Simplex Q
141 Alex Moats oneday M 9 Carrs Chain Reaction
142 Josh Carey oneday M 32 Carrs Chain Reaction
143 Kevin Caro oneday M 26 Carrs Chain Reaction
144 Benjamin Hasz 333538 M 17 Breakaway
145 Ethan Edwards oneday M 10 Carrs Chain Reaction
146 Caleb Edwards oneday M 12 Carrs Chain Reaction
147 Kirk Slone oneday M 46
148 Emily Mitchener oneday F 11
149 Jane Mitchener oneday F 9
150 Simon Sloan oneday M 8
151 Owen Sloan oneday M 11
152 Ryan Bosio 65704 M 38 Marx & Bendsdorf
153 Andrea Wilson 256188 F 32 Brickhouse Racing
154 Clay Crimes oneday M 46
155 Lonnie Kincade 19209 M 47 Spokes
156 Joseph Bogatko 402887 M 34
157 Jeff Derdorf oneday M 31
158 Michael Nunn 393617 M 34 Untitled Racing
159 David Colurs 401550 M 32 Untitled Racing
160 Kurt Green oneday M 41
161 G.W. Sorrells 227273 M 48 Sorrells Family Dentistry
162 Dub Sorrells 265348 M 17 Victory Bicycle Studio
163 Sarah Brown oneday F 35
164 Brent Meins oneday M 33
165 Will Shelton 416844 M 30 The Community Bicyclist
166 Robert Mooney 266755 M 39
167 Brad Nauman 412790 M 31
168 Maggi Wettstein oneday M 33
169 Bob Ocken 18254 M 49 CARVE
170 Dewayne Fisher 406840 M 53
171 Lonnie Kinkade 19209 M 47 Spokes
172 Chad Sprague 401391 M 32
173 Fred Auger oneday M 48 The Community Bicyclist
174 Scott Bozone oneday M
175 Quin Thompson 361727 M 42 De Pijp
176 Matt Dempsey oneday M 35
177 Zack Lavergne 309923 M 19 Colo Mesa Univ
178 Alex Bumpers 321414 M 17 WRA
179 Vince Cucco M
180 Andrew Wingerter 142424 M 36 Comrefuture Industries
181 Ben Craig 353046 M
182 Jed Bolyard oneday M
183 Charles Halliburton oneday M
184 Robert Joyner oneday M
185 Tom Samuelson oneday M
186 Gerald Drummond 300927 M 20 De Pijp
187 Curtis Luckett 250136 M 29 Snapple
presented by The Dillon Group Custom Homes
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