Sunday, December 25, 2011

Tis the season...

...for lots of Euro cross racing!  Major races every other day between now and New Year's.  The time change means most races start 8am CST or thereabouts.

26.12.11 Coupe du Monde UCI / UCI World Cup
28.12.11 GVA Trofee- Azencross / Cross des as
30.12.11 Fidea Cyclocross Leuven
01.01.12 GVA Trofee - Grote Prijs Sven Nys

Find streams & details on

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Learn from a pro's mistake

At the very beginning of this video of highlights from the Namur world cup, you can see Katie Compton trying to get her chain unlodged from between her frame and crank. On the starting sprint, she shifted from her big ring to small and, in the process, lost her race. It took her about a minute to get started again, but she still ended up third. If it were Andy Schleck, he'd still be standing there.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Points tallies updated through ten

With one race left in the inaugural season of the Arkansas Super-Prestige, the points races are hotter than ever.

JBar Cycling has posted a write-up of States, so check it out!
Photo courtesy of JBar Cycling

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Results for Natural State CX Champs are up

The results are clickable off to the right, in the ASP race class format.

Points will be updated in the next few days. Some of the points races are red hot, with one race to go! Remember that season-ending totals will count only the best nine races per person.

New URL for Arkansas Outside

They've gotten a new address,, and have a great new post up on Sunday's state championship race HERE.

There are a bunch of other great photos posted up on the Arkansas Super-Prestige page on Facebook, so go check 'em out. It was a stellar day of racing.

Results and points are being updated as you read this. Keep tuned, they'll be out in a day or two.

And mark your new 2012 calendar for the series finale on January 15. Details on that race will be forthcoming. The season ain't over yet!

Photo by

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Shout-out to JBar Cycling

I forgot to link to THIS write-up of the Turkey Burn. JBar is a great supporter of all central Arkansas cycling, including cross!

Points tallies updated through nine

I think we're finally getting a handle on the one-dayers, license-applied-fors, and new licensees, but as always, if you see something weird, please let us know via stephen erickson temporary (no spaces) at gmail dot com. We got some points races that are heating up in the Battle for the Bells.

States are less than a week away!

Here's a course preview:

Arkansas Cyclocross Series Final Episode: State Championship from Bully Otter Sports on Vimeo.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Jingle Bell results and coverage

It was a great day of tough racing. With all that mud, the course was a back-breaker, but there were a bunch of folks who didn't shy from the challenge.

Arkansas Outline was not scared away by a little rain, either, and has posted another great write-up and photo set.

Photo courtesy of

Results linkable off to the right. Next Sunday: States!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

KARK to live-stream Jingle Bell Cross

I have absolutely no idea how this came about, the level of coverage, or how rain-shy they'll be, but KARK is scheduled to live stream Jingle Bell Cross HERE.

There is a tab for Cycling that leads you to the coverage.

Now...don't let this keep you away from Boyle Park tomorrow! There is a spacious covered pavilion on high ground where you can enjoy all the action without getting rained on.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chuck Emmons makes Bikerumor Pic of the Day

Model: Chuck Emmons
Photographer: Dan Lysk and/or Addie Teo
Bikerumor Pic of the Day

Check it out, it's cool. Get your bike ready for Sunday's JBC, yo!

Cody Wilkins' Turkey Burn result wasn't counted in the latest points tally, and it's been fixed. Turns out he has a one point lead in Fours. If you drop his and Nathan Bowers' lowest two races, it turns into a dead heat, and you'll also see a bunch of guys nipping at their heels. There are still three races left in the Battle for the Bells!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Points tallies updated through eight races

Linkable off to the right, as usual. We hope to have all the bugs worked out by now, but if you see anything funky, let us know at stephen erickson temporary, no spaces, at gmail.

Next stop: Boyle Park for the Jingle Bell Cross (sung to the tune of "Jingle Bell Rock"). Looks like some more mud might be in store! If last year's race is any indication, the Boyle course will be slightly less technical and more power-oriented than Allsopp, but with plenty of features to make it, ahem, interesting.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Burn coverage on Arkansas Outside

It was a muddy, sloppy day out at Allsopp Park yesterday, and Arkansas Outside has written up the Turkey Burn, with a bunch of cool photos and links.

JBar also has some nice photos and comments.

Results are linkable off to the right. Hose off your bike and get ready for next Sunday's Jingle Bell Cross!
Photo by

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Last minute note for Turkey Burn

There is a covered pavilion right near the start/finish of the course at Allsopp, so you can stay toasty dry and still be social, even if there is some lingering precipitation tomorrow.

And watch this vid so you can argue whether or not Nys should have been relegated:

Friday, November 25, 2011

Three weeks, three races

Here's the line-up for the next three weekends.  Looks like Allsopp could be a little greasy this weekend, come get you some!

Turkey Burn
Sun, Nov 27
Allsopp Park

Jingle Cross
Sun, Dec 4
Boyle Park

Arkansas State Championships
Sun, Dec 11
Burns Park

Friday, November 18, 2011

Points tallies updated through seven races

Clickable off to the right. As always, please let us know if there is anything funky going on. Send a message to stephen erickson temporary (no spaces) at gmail.

There's a lot going on this weekend, and next week of course, but don't forget about the Turkey Burn, in beautiful Allsopp Park a week from Sunday. Great venue, great race, great racers...bring it!

And just for fun:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Joey's not OK

In fact, he's pretty messed up.

Don't be a Joey. Get your hand on that top tube before dismounting.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Outdoors Inc results are up


It was a crazy, windy day. Tough racing. My back is killing me. But the event was great, lots of energy, fun course, longest running cross race in the country!

The cross monkeys are hard at work compiling series points. They'll be updated later in the week.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quick note about Outdoors Inc race

The Outdoors Inc race is a fantastic event with a lot of history.  We're excited that they've agreed to be part of the Arkansas Super-Prestige series.

The set-up of categories in the Outdoors Inc race is slightly different than the ASP.  So if you want your Outdoors Inc results to count toward the series, this is what you do:

ASP Women: Sign up for your appropriate women's category in the B race.  All women, regardless of category, will earn points in the ASP Women's class, based on finish order among women.
ASP Juniors: Sign up for the Juniors 15-18 category in the B race.
ASP Fours: Sign up for the CX4 category in the B race.
ASP Masters: Sign up for the appropriate masters category in the A race. Masters racers 40 and older will earn points for ASP Masters.
ASP Open: Sign up for the appropriate category in the A race. Per ASP rules, all participants in the A race, masters or otherwise, will earn points in the ASP Open class, based on overall finish order.

Here's the catch: Non-Masters cat 4 racers are not allowed in the A race.  If you fit this description, and you want to race the A race, I would highly recommend seeking an upgrade, via, as soon as possible.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Points tallies updated through race six

The points tallies are clickable off to the right, through six races.  As always, if you see something weird, contact stephen erickson temporary (no spaces) at gmail dot com.

Remember that, at the end of the season, the points totals will drop the lowest two races for each racer.

Here's a photo dump from the open race over the weekend.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gearhead Cyclocross results are now published

That was a nasty-hard course. Big kudos to the select few who tackled it twice.

More photos to follow, but results are available NOW.  Points tallies will be updated later this week.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lodging and early registration deals for Nov 18/19 CX weekend in Tulsa

Looking ahead a bit, November 18 & 19 will be a great weekend of racing in Tulsa. There is a Friday evening race, Showdown at Sundown, followed by Ruts n Guts on Saturday. They've got some great deals for lodging, and discounted early registration through November 9.

Check for details.

Series points tallies updated through five races

The series points tallies through five races are updated. As always, linkable off to the right. If you see anything funky, please contact stephen erickson temporary, no spaces, at gmail dot com.

Jonesboro's Sunday forecast calls for partly cloudy skies and a high of 68degF. Couldn't be better!

And just for fun, here's footage from last weekend's Boulder Cup:

Watch more video of Colorado Classic/ Boulder Cup 2011 on

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Zonhoven Samenvatting

Forecast for Sunday looks pretty mild, with 30% chance of showers in Jonesboro. Bring it!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lake Fayetteville and Uber Cup results are up

Results are available off to the right in the series schedule. ASP points tallies will be updated later this week.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Gearhead Cyclocross announces $1999 purse

Gearhead Cyclocross has announced a $1999 purse for the race this Sunday, November 6, in Jonesboro.
Another nice thing is that daylight savings time ends in the early hours of Sunday morning, so you'll have an extra hour to get there.

I'm guessing the Memphis crew will be out there in full force, so bring your A game and get you some!

Open Masters Women
1st $300 $199 $200
2nd 180 120 120
3rd 100 80 80
4th 90 60 60
5th 80 40 40
6th 70
7th 60
8th 50
9th 40
10th 30
Total 1000 499 500

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Uber Cup course map & photos

Uber Cup results are now available, off to the right.

@hethla got a course trace and took some photos during the final race of the day. It was a leg-killer!
Course map (CCW)
Getting down the hill was tricky
Mud bog
Top of the Hill

Double barriers

Friday, October 28, 2011

Points tallies are now updated

You can link to points tallies off to your right, at the top of the schedule. They are updated through Reservoir Cross.

If you see anything fishy, please inform stephen erickson temporary (no spaces) at gmail dot com.

Remember that places 1 through 9 get 20, 17, 14, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 2 points, respectively. Places 10 and higher get a point. DNF gets 0 points. Open race scores double points.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A note from the Uber Cup race director

A little insight on my race…
Course – very bumpy but classic Belgian setup. One big paved climb
Setup – 25 lbs of frites and 4 lbs of mayo. The Bottle Liquor Store will have a hostess giving free samples of Belgian beer and serving free PBR all afternoon.

Bring your mud boots and cowbells! See you then.

And just for fun, here's the latest episode of Behind the Barriers.

"Behind The Barriers" Season II Episode 5 from Behind The Barriers on Vimeo.

Battle for the Bells returns to the Great Northwest

Another double weekend of Arkansan cyclo-cross!

The Uber Cup takes place just behind The Bike Route, 3660 N Front St in Fayetteville.  Reports are that the track is very challenging, including a steep climb, a long off-camber descent, and tricky portage sections.  Cash prizes, see flier for deets.  Bring your A game.
3:30pm Masters, Fours
4:30pm Women, Juniors
5:30pm Open

Cyclocross at Lake Fayetteville offers a generous cash purse and prizes, and fast, hard racing at a beautiful locale.  Mountain bikes are allowed across all races (no bar-ends), but there is a mountain-bike-only division in the 12:15 wave.  ASP Masters and Fours points will be scored out of the applicable 11:30 races.
11:30am Women, Masters 35+, Cat 3/4
12:15pm Beginners, Juniors 18-, MTB-only race
12:52pm Youth, Juniors 12-14
1:00pm Open

The weather forecast calls for clear skies and highs in the mid-60s.  Bring it!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Quote of the Day

Found this in my inbox:
My kids are already asking when the next one is, which is a good omen for me attending several!
That's what I like to see.

Native Oklahoman, expert tennis player, and all-around mensch Keith Williams has two sets of photos from last weekend.
ASP Night Race
Reservoir Cross



Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Reservoir podiums

Open: Bosio (3), Sebring (4), Walnofer (2), Parmain (1), Moore (5)
Ocken (Beginners 1)
Sanders (Beginners 3), Maddox (2, not pictured)
Women: Wilson (1)
Women: Thakali (3), Chwalinski (2)
Fours: Hall (3), Gallagher (1), Bowers (2)
Masters 40+: Thibeault (2), Griesse (1), Thompson (3, not pictured)

Monday, October 24, 2011


Photo courtesy Andrea Wilson/Ryan Bosio
After a string of bad luck on Saturday (including getting his pink cross bike stolen), Sebring comes back on Sunday, borrows Andrea Wilson's rig, nabs a solid 4th, and--most importantly--gets the photo.  The rest of this photo set are linked from

ASP Night Race and Reservoir Cross results are now linkable off to the right. Series Points tallies (also linkable off to the right, below the schedule) will be updated soon.

Night Race podium photos

Whatta night!  A speedy, tricky course, a party at the barriers, and Boogie Bones rocking the joint!  It was truly an exemplary event.

Below are podium photos.  For a whole bunch more, visit the Arkansas Super-Prestige page on Facebook.

Google Docs seems to be taking a nap, but we'll get full results up shortly.  In all the excitement, the women's podium (Wilson, Ladd, Thakali) photo slipped through the cracks, but we want to give them their propers.

Thanks again to Trevor Edwards and Arkansas Cycling and Fitness!
Costume contest winner, Michele Zamponi
Masters 40+
Griesse (1), Thiebault (2), Thompson (3, not pictured)
Juniors: Paoli (2), LaVergne (1)
C race: Bahler (2), Williams (1), Plaster (3)
Open: Upchurch (2), Walnofer (1), Erickson (3)

If you see this bike...

Photo by Addie Teo
...let Jonathan Sebring know.  It was stolen early Sunday morning in Little Rock.

Friday, October 21, 2011

This Is How We Do It

HERE is your itinerary.

A couple final notes on Reservoir Cross, presented by The Community Bicyclist. Sunday's forecast currently has a 40% chance of rain; be assured that the event will take place rain or shine. Better yet, a good percentage of the course winds around a spacious covered pavilion within 40 feet of the finish line, so there's no need for spectators to get soaked, even if the racers do.
The Green Cuisine food truck will be on-site serving food. They take cash or plastic.
Mid-day M-F they set up shop in the parking lot on Chester between 6th & 7th, across the street from the fire station.  They've been my go-to lunch spot for the past several months now; the veggie wrap is my usual, but I've enjoyed everything I've tried there.

The cross and alleycat monkeys have been hard at work ensuring a full weekend of tough, fast, exciting racing.  OK that's all for now.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bikes vs Zombies

Choose your flier!  The first has more of a Kinko's-2AM-photo-montage kind of feel, while the second is classic MacDraw.  Either way, if you're not at MacArthur Park at 8pm sharp, you're just not there.

Saturday Night Race: Costumes and Footbeds

The ASP Night Race, sponsored by Arkansas Cycling and Fitness, is this S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT!  As a reminder, this race will be run under the park lights and no bike lights are required for racers.
As you are no doubt aware, both Halloween and the end of Daylight Savings Time are fast approaching.  In that spirit, NiteRider Lighting is giving away 350-lumen cordless lights to the two racers voted as having the best outfits.  (Of course, spectators are also encouraged to show their Halloween spirit.) Voting will take place at the registration table and winners will be announced at the Vino's Brewpub all-ages after-party.
Early registrants this Saturday night could receive a free pair of Pearl Izumi insoles. The following sizes will be given away to the first entries with these (Euro) sizes: 38-39, 40-41, 42-23 (2 pair), 44-45(3 pair), & 46-47 (2 pair). The insoles have customizable inserts and retail for $40.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Little Rock Biketoberfest

Your itinerary:


Bikes vs Zombies Alleycat
MacArthur Park, 9th @ McAlmont
8pm, $5
Pre-reg encouraged!


Arkansas Super-Prestige Night Race
Kanis Park, 820 S Rodney Parham @ I-630
5:30pm Clinic
6:15pm Kids Ride
6:45pm C Race (30 min)
7:30pm B Race (40 min, Women, Masters 40+, Juniors 18-, Fours)
8:25pm A Race (50 min, Open class)

Clarification: Course will be lighted, NO bike light is required.

All-ages After-Party
Vino's Brewpub, 923 W 7th @ Chester
Fat Possum recording artist Jim Mize
Free entry for racers (hold onto your race number)
$5 for non-racers


The Community Bicyclist presents Reservoir Cross
Reservoir Park
Entrance to park is off Cantrell Rd, 1/2-mile east of Reservoir Rd
10:00am Women, Masters 40+, Juniors 18-, Fours (40 min)
11:30am Beginners (30 min)
12:30pm Open (50 min)

More details on the weekend are available HERE and at the links above.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Highroller CX results are up

You can click on the results off to your right.  The cross monkeys are working on points tabulations, including team totals, but you can pretty much figure that out for yourself right now. Looks like the Snapple boys have a solid lead in the team competition.

Remember that places 1 through 9 get 20, 17, 14, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 2 points, respectively.  Places 10 and higher get a point.  DNF gets 0 points.  Open race scores double points.

Highroller Cyclery course at Walker Park

The course was fast but tough.  Add in some unseasonable heat, and it was a hard day for racers at Walker Park.  We'll have results and points up in the next couple days, but for now a course map and photos of some of the course features, taken during the Masters race.  

Thanks again to the crew at Highroller for an excellent event.  (Especially Jonathan for lending me a bottle cage, and Branton for picking up my spare wheels!)
Walker Park cyclocross course
Barrier set